Articles for Tag: "diet"

When you eat matters 
When you eat matters
A new study finds that the time you eat could lead to better health.
Pescatarian diet cuts risk of colon cancer  Featured
Pescatarian diet cuts risk of colon cancer
Fish, fruits and veggies may be the key to avoiding this serious disease.
Infographic: Best foods to improve your colon health 
Infographic: Best foods to improve your colon health
What to eat and what not to eat to keep you well.
High and low intensity workouts both pay off  Featured
High and low intensity workouts both pay off
Each type of exercise session can reap health benefits.
Friends may hold key to losing weight 
Friends may hold key to losing weight
A new study finds that the success of your pal’s weight loss can influence your choice in eating right and exercising.
Can eating healthy foods keep you mentally fit? 
Can eating healthy foods keep you mentally fit?
Fruits and veggies may be good for more than your physical health.
Is your workplace making you gain weight? 
Is your workplace making you gain weight?
Your office environment may be to blame for an increase in pounds.