Articles for Tag: "dining out"

Dining out? 8 ways to make healthier decisions 
Dining out? 8 ways to make healthier decisions
Here’s how to make health-conscious decisions while still enjoying your meal out.
Is it really safe to dine out right now?  Featured
Is it really safe to dine out right now?
Here’s what you need to know before your next visit to a restaurant.
Which summer activities come with the highest risk of getting COVID-19?  Featured
Which summer activities come with the highest risk of getting COVID-19?
And which ones are relatively safe. An expert weighs in.
How traffic light signals could help you eat healthier 
How traffic light signals could help you eat healthier
New research suggests people would make better choices if menus were tagged with green, yellow and red labels.
Two days of calories in one restaurant meal? 
Two days of calories in one restaurant meal?
Check out some of the most unhealthy meals available while dining out.