Articles for Tag: "Dr. Maciej Malinski"
Try these practices to help prevent heart disease.
Un reciente estudio a gran escala concluye que seis prácticas de estilo de vida saludable podrían prevenir un ataque cardiaco en casi tres de cada cuatro mujeres.
Un cardiólogo de Advocate Heart Institute que presta servicios en Advocate Sherman Hospital conversará sobre la relación entre la diabetes y las enfermedades cardiovasculares.
Research shows that sitting for several hours every day could increase your risk for some types of cancers.
New research finds that compared to 20 years ago, the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease is falling.
A new study finds an association between long hours of sedentary time and increased risk of death among older women.
A new study finds that when it comes to heart health, women may need earlier and more aggressive treatment.