Articles for Tag: "exercise"

Run, don’t walk, into your senior years 
Run, don’t walk, into your senior years
Older adults who run several times a week have the metabolism of a person in their 20s, says new research.
Depression causes two in five to miss work  Featured
Depression causes two in five to miss work
Read more about how the condition affects the workplace.
Walking to school is good for everyone 
Walking to school is good for everyone
Researchers take a deep dive into the benefits of students hoofing it to class.
Exercise during pregnancy: What’s the risk? 
Exercise during pregnancy: What’s the risk?
There have been numerous stories this year of women doing incredible workouts while pregnant. But is it for everyone?
Men and women react different to mental stress 
Men and women react different to mental stress
Women have more decreased blood flow to the heart when they are under pressure. Get the details.
Breast cancer patients getting too little exercise 
Breast cancer patients getting too little exercise
Exercise may boost survival odds, but most women are not active enough, experts say.
Can exercise help reduce risk of breast cancer? 
Can exercise help reduce risk of breast cancer?
Researchers say, “Yes.” See how keeping fit can have even more benefits.