Articles for Tag: "family medicine"

Are your vaccinations up to date? 
Are your vaccinations up to date?
It can be tricky keeping track of your vaccination records as an adult.
Here’s how to understand your blood tests 
Here’s how to understand your blood tests
Do you know what your doctor is checking for?
This might be silently harming your body 
This might be silently harming your body
It can lead to serious health conditions if left untreated.
Can’t remember what your doctor said? Read this 
Can’t remember what your doctor said? Read this
Get tips from an expert on how to get more out of your health visit.
Is the urgent need to pee a normal part of aging? 
Is the urgent need to pee a normal part of aging?
There is a common cause behind the need for frequent bathroom breaks.
Which type of physical exam do you need? 
Which type of physical exam do you need?
Not sure what appointment to ask for? Read this.
Is it possible to get the flu shot too soon? 
Is it possible to get the flu shot too soon?
And how long does it take to work?