Articles for Tag: "flu"

Will a mask help during flu season?  Featured
Will a mask help during flu season?
A doctor explains how to lower your chances of getting the flu.
Reunión comunitaria: Edición de regreso a clases 
Reunión comunitaria: Edición de regreso a clases
Con el COVID-19 como gran preocupación, ¿qué deben saber los padres y tutores al aproximarse el comienzo del siguiente ciclo escolar?
Is flu season over yet?  Featured
Is flu season over yet?
Hint: Get a flu shot and wash your hands.
5 ways to avoid getting sick at work  Featured
5 ways to avoid getting sick at work
It’s possible to stay healthy while your coworkers cough and sneeze.
3 things to know about the new coronavirus 
3 things to know about the new coronavirus
For one thing, the threat of getting the flu is higher.
Here’s what the latest numbers show about the flu season  Featured
Here’s what the latest numbers show about the flu season
Even if you got your flu shot, you should read this.