Articles for Tag: "gynecologist"

The widespread condition affecting new moms  Featured
The widespread condition affecting new moms
Pregnancy and childbirth can be both an exciting and stressful time for a mother.
5 questions you’re too shy to ask your gynecologist 
5 questions you’re too shy to ask your gynecologist
A funny smell? Discharge? An OB/GYN answers a few questions you may be too embarrassed to discuss with your doctor.
5 questions you’re too shy to ask your gynecologist 
5 questions you’re too shy to ask your gynecologist
A funny smell? Discharge? An OB/GYN answers a few questions you may be too embarrassed to discuss with your doctor.
Are annual pelvic exams really necessary? 
Are annual pelvic exams really necessary?
A government task force says they lack evidence for a recommendation either way, but a physician defends the practice.
Prior stillbirth increases odds for it happening again 
Prior stillbirth increases odds for it happening again
A new report finds that loss of a fetus in a prior pregnancy raises the risk of another occurrence.
Another reason to exercise while pregnant 
Another reason to exercise while pregnant
New research suggests working out offers benefits for both mom and baby.
8 menopause myths debunked  Featured
8 menopause myths debunked
The truth about ‘the change,’ according to health experts.