Articles for Tag: "hearing loss"

What happens when a child gets a cochlear implant? 
What happens when a child gets a cochlear implant?
Is your child a candidate?
How genetic testing can help identify pediatric hearing loss 
How genetic testing can help identify pediatric hearing loss
Hearing loss that’s not detectable at birth can be caught sooner thanks to medical advancements.
Here’s how a newborn hearing screening is performed 
Here’s how a newborn hearing screening is performed
Learn how this test can rule out conditions that can affect long-term health.
Here’s why your ears are ringing 
Here’s why your ears are ringing
And what you can do about it.
Should more seniors wear hearing aids? 
Should more seniors wear hearing aids?
Listen up: There might be more health benefits than just improved hearing.
Why are so many people experiencing hearing loss? 
Why are so many people experiencing hearing loss?
40 million Americans under 70 have some form of hearing loss, including one-fifth of 20-somethings. What can be done?
Take earplugs to your next concert to prevent hearing loss 
Take earplugs to your next concert to prevent hearing loss
Unless you welcome ringing in your ears, listen up. Hazardous noises can lead to temporary, and even permanent, damage.