Articles for Tag: "heart attack"

When working out is dangerous 
When working out is dangerous
A new study suggests heading to the gym for a tough workout in these situations can more than triple your risk of heart attack.
Could a migraine mean something more? 
Could a migraine mean something more?
Recent research points to a connection between migraine sufferers and an increased risk of heart disease.
How long until your coffee stops working? 
How long until your coffee stops working?
New research reveals you can’t rely on the common stimulant after just three nights of poor sleep.
4 heart attack warning signs for young women 
4 heart attack warning signs for young women
Chest pain isn’t the only marker. Knowing other symptoms can mean the difference between life and death.
My sudden cardiac arrest survival story: Part three 
My sudden cardiac arrest survival story: Part three
An ICD and a beta blocker play a key role in preventing another cardiac arrest.
Could an app help heart attack victims? 
Could an app help heart attack victims?
The rise in popularity of emergency apps can help victims and bystanders respond more proactively.
How long until your coffee stops working 
How long until your coffee stops working
New research reveals you can’t rely on the common stimulant after just three nights of poor sleep.