Articles for Tag: "heart attack"

Cardiac arrest more deadly for those living in high-rises  Featured
Cardiac arrest more deadly for those living in high-rises
Learn why experts say survival of a sudden heart stoppage is less likely for people living in tall buildings.
Do moderate drinkers have better heart health?  Featured
Do moderate drinkers have better heart health?
A pair of recent studies suggest a couple drinks per week may help your ticker, but moderation is key.
Mom of two: It wasn’t allergies, but heart failure  Featured
Mom of two: It wasn’t allergies, but heart failure
At age 49, SuSu Scialabba was exhausted and short of breath. She had no idea her heart was failing.
Loneliness may trigger heart disease, stroke  Featured
Loneliness may trigger heart disease, stroke
A new study finds that social isolation can increase the risk of these conditions by 30 percent.
A father’s life saved by son’s CPR 
A father’s life saved by son’s CPR
Thanks to quick thinking by his kids, one Barrington man’s life was saved. Read their story.
How snoring can kill you  Featured
How snoring can kill you
A poor night’s sleep leaves its mark on your heart.
Physical labor, high blood pressure a bad mix for women 
Physical labor, high blood pressure a bad mix for women
A new study finds that hypertensive women with physically demanding jobs could be at higher risk for heart attack.