Articles for Tag: "heart attack"

Heart disease effects on unmarried women 
Heart disease effects on unmarried women
Spouses may offer key emotional support to help partners through a stressful cardiac event.
Popular ‘polar plunge’ isn’t safe for everyone 
Popular ‘polar plunge’ isn’t safe for everyone
Jimmy Fallon has agreed to brave the cold waters for Chicago’s annual event, but those with heart conditions should stick to the shore, physicians say.
Angina may signal a more serious condition  Featured
Angina may signal a more serious condition
Find out what steps you can take to live more comfortably.
What Heart Month means to me 
What Heart Month means to me
After surviving a heart attack at age 32, here’s what I’ve learned and what February means to me now.
Can skipping breakfast increase your heart attack risk? 
Can skipping breakfast increase your heart attack risk?
Experts offer a healthy reason why you should have breakfast every morning.
Heart attacks may come without warning 
Heart attacks may come without warning
Learn how one heart attack survivor with unusual symptoms got help just in time.
Are Americans misinformed about their heart health? 
Are Americans misinformed about their heart health?
A new survey finds that many people are not knowledgeable about cardiovascular disease facts, risk factors and prevention.