Articles for Tag: "heart health"

Do you know the leading cause of death? 
Do you know the leading cause of death?
It claims more lives than cancer and accidental deaths combined.
Worried about cholesterol? Here are 3 key ways to lower it 
Worried about cholesterol? Here are 3 key ways to lower it
A cardiologist explains what actually works.
Drink soda every day? Read this before your next sip 
Drink soda every day? Read this before your next sip
Your favorite artificially sweetened beverage may impact your heart.
9 heart disease risk factors you can control 
9 heart disease risk factors you can control
This lifestyle habit increases your risk by 900%.
Chronically cold hands and feet? Read this 
Chronically cold hands and feet? Read this
It could be this underlying problem.
Do fast walkers have healthier hearts? 
Do fast walkers have healthier hearts?
There are several factors that influence heart health. Is walking speed one of them?
How heart health can be a family sport 
How heart health can be a family sport
Here are a few ideas to make the change in routine a lot easier.