Articles for Tag: "Heart"

Blog: Celebrating my non-scale victories 
Blog: Celebrating my non-scale victories
Amidst a busy family summer schedule, a work-at-home mom shares how she stays motivated in her fitness journey.
My sudden cardiac arrest survival story: Part three 
My sudden cardiac arrest survival story: Part three
An ICD and a beta blocker play a key role in preventing another cardiac arrest.
Breastfeeding preemies beneficial for their heart health as adults 
Breastfeeding preemies beneficial for their heart health as adults
New research shows preemies fed breast milk have better overall heart function as adults, even compared to full-term infants.
Could a migraine mean something more? 
Could a migraine mean something more?
New research points to a connection between migraine sufferers and an increased risk of heart disease and death later in life.
My sudden cardiac arrest survival story: Part two 
My sudden cardiac arrest survival story: Part two
A bone injection gun and hypothermia play a key role in my recovery.
Cardiac arrest more deadly for those living in high-rises  Featured
Cardiac arrest more deadly for those living in high-rises
Learn why experts say survival of a sudden heart stoppage is less likely for people living in tall buildings.
My sudden cardiac arrest survival story 
My sudden cardiac arrest survival story
Read part one of my journey: the scary day when my children helped save my life.