Articles for Tag: "high blood pressure"

90% of adults have this newly defined syndrome 
90% of adults have this newly defined syndrome
An expert explains how you can prevent and manage common risk factors.
Warning signs of a serious pregnancy complication 
Warning signs of a serious pregnancy complication
It can damage your liver and kidneys and have significant impacts on both you and your baby.
Don’t be salty. Here’s how to cut salt in your diet 
Don’t be salty. Here’s how to cut salt in your diet
Some salt swaps are better and tastier than others. Plus, you may be experiencing signs of too much sodium in your diet.
Here’s how to read your blood pressure 
Here’s how to read your blood pressure
The set of numbers you see during a blood pressure reading each have a meaning. Plus, learn tips on taking your own blood pressure.
Have a family history of hypertension? Here’s what to do 
Have a family history of hypertension? Here’s what to do
While you can’t change your genetics, you can make these lifestyle modifications to lower your blood pressure.
What is white coat syndrome? 
What is white coat syndrome?
It affects 10% of patients who go in for a doctor’s visit. Here’s how they will find your true blood pressure reading.
Life happens sometimes, but don’t ignore this 
Life happens sometimes, but don’t ignore this
Here’s how one man got out of his healthy habits slump.