Articles for Tag: "Hispanic heritage month"

Viewing medicine through his patients’ eyes helps this doctor help those with diabetes 
Viewing medicine through his patients’ eyes helps this doctor help those with diabetes
Learn how an endocrinologist provides diabetes support to the Hispanic community and beyond.
One woman’s fight against breast cancer reached great distances 
One woman’s fight against breast cancer reached great distances
When Erika was first diagnosed with breast cancer, she had to leave her family behind to get treatment in Mexico. When her cancer came back, she turned to an Illinois hospital for help and support.
 “Si no ve a las personas que se parecen a usted desempeñando un rol, es difícil imaginarse allí”. 
 “Si no ve a las personas que se parecen a usted desempeñando un rol, es difícil imaginarse allí”.
Esta inmigrante mexicana-estadounidense de primera generación ve a la enfermería como una forma de arte y está allanando el camino para otros enfermeros hispanos.
Desde ocultar su herencia hasta liderar con ella 
Desde ocultar su herencia hasta liderar con ella
Las experiencias de Yvonne Renick en la niñez la ayudan a empatía con los pacientes.
From hiding her heritage to leading with it 
From hiding her heritage to leading with it
Yvonne Renick’s childhood experiences help her empathize with patients.
“Algo que damos por sentado”. 
“Algo que damos por sentado”.
Después de una reciente visita al consultorio, la Dra. Emma Olivera se dio cuenta de lo valioso que es para los pacientes tener un médico que hable su idioma.
 ’If you don’t see people who look like you in a role it’s hard to picture yourself there.’ 
 ’If you don’t see people who look like you in a role it’s hard to picture yourself there.’
  This first-generation Mexican American immigrant sees nursing as an art form and is paving the way for other Hispanic nurses.