Articles for Tag: "mental health"

Depression may age you faster 
Depression may age you faster
A recent study finds that people with psychological distress may look older than their actual age.
Can loneliness shorten your life? 
Can loneliness shorten your life?
Lonely seniors may be at a greater risk for premature death compared to those with satisfying relationships. Find out more.
Depression risk greater for ‘underweight’ teen boys 
Depression risk greater for ‘underweight’ teen boys
Two studies find that when male teens perceive themselves as too skinny, self-esteem takes a hit.
Need a mental boost? Try yoga 
Need a mental boost? Try yoga
Although yoga is anything but new to the fitness realm, science is taking a closer look at its mental health benefits.
Meditation for military 
Meditation for military
Learn how yoga and other meditation practices help soldiers manage stress.
Hidden link between antidepressants and diabetes? 
Hidden link between antidepressants and diabetes?
A new study shows a higher incidence of diabetes in those using antidepressants. Find out why.
Money woes and depression go hand in hand 
Money woes and depression go hand in hand
Experts say the recent economic downturn could be to blame for an increase in suicide rates.