Articles for Tag: "nutrition"

6 ways to incorporate more vegetables into your diet  Featured
6 ways to incorporate more vegetables into your diet
A registered dietitian offers simple solutions for getting the most out of veggies.
Can a messy home worsen your diet? 
Can a messy home worsen your diet?
A chaotic environment may encourage you to overindulge in unhealthy foods. Find out more.
What’s in your food?  Featured
What’s in your food?
The FDA announces it will require updated nutrition labels which emphasize calories, added sugars and ‘realistic’ serving sizes.
Maple syrup and blueberries to prevent Alzheimer’s? 
Maple syrup and blueberries to prevent Alzheimer’s?
An expert weighs in on whether certain foods can delay the onset of dementia.
Health benefits of drinking cranberry juice 
Health benefits of drinking cranberry juice
Consider this drink to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
How to prevent mindless eating 
How to prevent mindless eating
Eating when you aren’t hungry takes a negative toll on your body, research shows.
Teen birth rate hits all time low in U.S. 
Teen birth rate hits all time low in U.S.
According to the CDC, teen birth rates have dropped by 40 percent, and up to 50 percent among blacks and Hispanics.