Articles for Tag: "OB/GYN"

5 questions you’re too shy to ask your gynecologist 
5 questions you’re too shy to ask your gynecologist
A funny smell? Discharge? An OB/GYN answers a few questions you may be too embarrassed to discuss with your doctor.
Are annual pelvic exams really necessary? 
Are annual pelvic exams really necessary?
A government task force says they lack evidence for a recommendation either way, but a physician defends the practice.
Children of older mothers have long-term advantages  Featured
Children of older mothers have long-term advantages
The benefits may outweigh the biological risks associated with late pregnancies.
New app makes birth control more accessible 
New app makes birth control more accessible
Technology is dramatically influencing the way we access health care, but are there risks?
HPV vaccine safe for women who may become pregnant 
HPV vaccine safe for women who may become pregnant
Learn how vaccinations can reduce the risk of certain cancers.
Mom’s grief prior to becoming pregnant can impact her baby 
Mom’s grief prior to becoming pregnant can impact her baby
Get expert advice on coping with sadness and stress prior to pregnancy.
How annual visits keep women well 
How annual visits keep women well
New guidelines no longer suggest an annual pap test for every woman, but experts still advise yearly check-ups. Get the details.