Articles for Tag: "shoulder pain"

Have you tried the empty can test? 
Have you tried the empty can test?
If you have chronic shoulder pain, this may help you detect a common injury.
Do you have a frozen shoulder? 
Do you have a frozen shoulder?
Learn if you will need surgery.
Time for a new backpack? 
Time for a new backpack?
Avoid back pain by following these 4 tips.
Is your purse too heavy? 
Is your purse too heavy?
Do you really need all that stuff?
Roger’s Story: How an innovative cancer treatment saved his life 
Roger’s Story: How an innovative cancer treatment saved his life
For Roger Rivera, chest pain, shoulder pain and coughing up blood were all symptoms that led to the diagnosis of cancer.
5 signs it’s time to see a doctor about pain  Featured
5 signs it’s time to see a doctor about pain
Whether you’re a serious competitor, a weekend warrior or just have a nagging ache, here are signs you should seek help.
The 411 on rotator cuff surgery 
The 411 on rotator cuff surgery
Al Roker’s shoulder surgery sheds light on a torn rotator cuff, one of the most common shoulder injuries.