Articles for Tag: "sleep"

Are your nightmares caused by anxiety and depression? 
Are your nightmares caused by anxiety and depression?
A new study identifies some underlying causes of bad dreams.
‘Exploding head syndrome’ surprisingly not uncommon in college students 
‘Exploding head syndrome’ surprisingly not uncommon in college students
Sounds similar to explosions, gun shots or clashing cymbals aren’t as rare as you would imagine, says new research.
10 home remedies for sore throats  Featured
10 home remedies for sore throats
Here are some natural ways to help soothe your symptoms before heading to the doctor.
Wake up to Sleep Awareness Week 
Wake up to Sleep Awareness Week
A new poll finds that people aren’t getting the recommended amount of shut-eye.
Are naps really necessary for kids? 
Are naps really necessary for kids?
Some experts say the afternoon snooze may not be needed. Learn more.
How much sleep do we really need? 
How much sleep do we really need?
Find out if you are getting enough shut eye.
Parents conflicted about delayed school start times 
Parents conflicted about delayed school start times
A new poll shows that half of parents believe the change would help their kids.