Articles for Tag: "stroke"

Do you know the leading cause of death? 
Do you know the leading cause of death?
It claims more lives than cancer and accidental deaths combined.
Why your neurologist may ask if you floss 
Why your neurologist may ask if you floss
Oral hygiene may affect your risk for this condition.
Heart conditions that are more common as you age 
Heart conditions that are more common as you age
Are these conditions unavoidable?
Do you know the stages of hypertension? 
Do you know the stages of hypertension?
If left untreated, this common health concern can lead to serious health events.
Is there a difference between heart disease and cardiovascular disease? 
Is there a difference between heart disease and cardiovascular disease?
The answer may surprise you.
What’s changed? New stroke prevention guidelines 
What’s changed? New stroke prevention guidelines
A lot can change in a decade, especially in medicine.
This could curb rising stroke deaths 
This could curb rising stroke deaths
Urgently implementing these strategies could help save millions of lives.