Articles for Tag: "stroke"

Can kidney stones lead to heart problems? 
Can kidney stones lead to heart problems?
The formation of stones and the development of cardiovascular disease may have similar risk factors.
How diabetes can harm your heart 
How diabetes can harm your heart
Learn how diabetes increases your risk of heart disease.
Women lag behind men when it comes to heart care 
Women lag behind men when it comes to heart care
Women are more likely than men to wait for symptoms to become more severe before seeking medical attention.
Treatments keep young sickle cell patient cheering 
Treatments keep young sickle cell patient cheering
Meet Nyiah, who lives life to the fullest thanks to blood filtering treatments as she waits for a bone marrow transplant.
Hypertension risks higher for those near major roadways 
Hypertension risks higher for those near major roadways
Living close to heavily traveled highways can lead to high blood pressure, some experts say.
3 ways a woman’s stroke risk differs from men’s 
3 ways a woman’s stroke risk differs from men’s
Studies show there are several factors that make a female’s risk of stroke different from their male counterparts.
What is ALS? 
What is ALS?
Get the facts on this rare neurological disease receiving national attention.