Articles for Tag: "stroke"

Pass on the salt 
Pass on the salt
Decreasing sodium intake may prevent deaths from stroke and heart attack, says a new study.
Staying alert for signs of stroke 
Staying alert for signs of stroke
Today is National Stroke Alert Day. Learn more about the symptoms and treatment for this life-threatening condition.
7 ways to protect yourself from a stroke  Featured
7 ways to protect yourself from a stroke
Learning what steps you can take now will not only help to reduce your risk of a stroke but other diseases as well.
Insomnia raises risk of stroke in young adults, study finds 
Insomnia raises risk of stroke in young adults, study finds
What’s keeping you up at night? New research discovers a link between sleeplessness and stroke.
3 cholesterol myths  Featured
3 cholesterol myths
Our expert debunks common misconceptions about good and bad cholesterol.
2 new apps help detect seizures, treat strokes 
2 new apps help detect seizures, treat strokes
Smart phone applications may help identify an epileptic seizure and better manage care for stroke patients.
Sweating it out may reduce risk of stroke 
Sweating it out may reduce risk of stroke
Research shows that couch potatoes are at a 20 percent greater risk of stroke. Learn more.