Articles for Tag: "teen depression"

Declining happiness, rising antidepressant use in teens 
Declining happiness, rising antidepressant use in teens
How you can help teens navigate the transition of childhood to adulthood in the wake of a mental health crisis.
Can teens be vaccinated against depression? 
Can teens be vaccinated against depression?
Learn how a program may help prevent teenage depression by tapping into technology.
Tips for checking in with your teen 
Tips for checking in with your teen
Are you struggling to start conversations about mental health with your teen? You’re not alone.
How to identify signs of depression in your child or teen 
How to identify signs of depression in your child or teen
Symptoms can vary based on age, gender and the child.
Suicide among our youth is rising 
Suicide among our youth is rising
With suicide among our youth on the rise, learn how anxiety and depression are key risk factors.
Simple paper test helps assess teens for depression 
Simple paper test helps assess teens for depression
Clinicians may have a new and better way to treat young people with mental health issues.
Depression risk greater for ‘underweight’ teen boys 
Depression risk greater for ‘underweight’ teen boys
Two studies find that when male teens perceive themselves as too skinny, self-esteem takes a hit.