Articles for Tag: "vaccine"

Cómo detectar consejos médicos dudosos en las redes sociales 
Cómo detectar consejos médicos dudosos en las redes sociales
Mientras EE. UU. continúa su lucha contra el coronavirus, se está difundiendo información errónea sobre cómo tratar esta enfermedad.
The recent vaccine news is much better than you think 
The recent vaccine news is much better than you think
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is the next tool in the fight against COVID-19.
On the front lines for months, a critical care unit physician focuses on hope for the future 
On the front lines for months, a critical care unit physician focuses on hope for the future
Dr. Dave Barounis has been fighting COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic but the arrival of vaccines signals better times are ahead.
Nurse, cancer survivor puts faith in doctors and gets vaccine 
Nurse, cancer survivor puts faith in doctors and gets vaccine
‘Whatever is holding you back, don’t be afraid’
‘I feel that pain with them’ 
‘I feel that pain with them’
Respiratory therapist gets vaccine to reunite with family .
‘I feel like as health care professionals, we can be role models for the public’ 
‘I feel like as health care professionals, we can be role models for the public’
A Manitowoc nurse shares her experiences with COVID-19 and aims to set a good example by receiving vaccine.
Can you get back to normal life after getting a COVID-19 vaccine? 
Can you get back to normal life after getting a COVID-19 vaccine?
Experts answer your vaccine questions in a video.