Articles for Tag: "weight loss"

How weight loss protects your knees 
How weight loss protects your knees
A study found that dropping a few pounds is key to slowing down knee cartilage deterioration.
Does high-intensity interval training produce better results? 
Does high-intensity interval training produce better results?
A new study reveals just how effective this type of workout can be.
Diet options: Low-fat, low-carb or neither? 
Diet options: Low-fat, low-carb or neither?
A registered dietitian offers insight on how to drop those extra pounds.
Is apple cider vinegar a miracle drink?  Featured
Is apple cider vinegar a miracle drink?
Find out if this beverage can really help you lose weight and much more.
Drinking water before a meal can help with weight loss 
Drinking water before a meal can help with weight loss
A glass before each meal helped study participants lose an average of 10 pounds.
Cut fat not carbs to lose weight 
Cut fat not carbs to lose weight
If you are trying to drop a few pounds, one study says this is the best way to do it.
Don’t ignore hypertension in kids, experts warn 
Don’t ignore hypertension in kids, experts warn
Monitoring blood pressure during adolescence could prevent heart problems later.