Articles for Tag: "weight loss"

The health benefits of being a foodie 
The health benefits of being a foodie
A new study finds that adventurous eaters are more likely to have healthier lifestyles.
Overweight? It could be your genes 
Overweight? It could be your genes
It’s harder for some to lose pounds because of genetics, according to one study.
Infographic: Maximize the benefits of your fitness tracker 
Infographic: Maximize the benefits of your fitness tracker
Here are 5 ways to use these devices.
3 tips to get back into shape after a long break 
3 tips to get back into shape after a long break
If you took a winter hiatus from exercise, check out this advice to prevent injuries.
Which popular weight loss programs work best? 
Which popular weight loss programs work best?
A new study shows that long-term success is hard to come by.
Can drinking red wine burn fat? 
Can drinking red wine burn fat?
A new study finds that elements in dark-colored grapes in some wines and grape juice could lead to weight loss.
Yoga may reduce heart disease risk factors 
Yoga may reduce heart disease risk factors
The growing popularity of this exercise prompted researchers to take a look at its cardiovascular benefits.