What is herd immunity? 
What is herd immunity?
And why is it a key to ending the COVID-19 pandemic?
He’s no stranger to the front lines 
He’s no stranger to the front lines
Nurses like Neil Ehmig are the heroes in this war.
Health care heroes: ‘We love this work, we accept this challenge and we will all get through this together’ 
Health care heroes: ‘We love this work, we accept this challenge and we will all get through this together’
We really are in this together.
Health care heroes: Best friends on the front lines 
Health care heroes: Best friends on the front lines
They work with immunocompromised patients often.
Health care heroes: Quarantined with your best friend 
Health care heroes: Quarantined with your best friend
These two have worked together for 40 years, and now they’re on the front lines.
Surgeon General: ‘I and many black Americans are at higher risk for COVID’ 
Surgeon General: ‘I and many black Americans are at higher risk for COVID’
Watch the video where Surgeon General Jerome A. Adams talks about his experience.
Una encuesta dice que los latinos están más preocupados por el COVID-19. Esto es lo que debe saber. 
Una encuesta dice que los latinos están más preocupados por el COVID-19. Esto es lo que debe saber.
El Dr. Federico Sánchez dice que es importante quedarse en casa y practicar el distanciamiento social.