Viewing medicine through his patients’ eyes helps this doctor help those with diabetes 
Viewing medicine through his patients’ eyes helps this doctor help those with diabetes
Learn how an endocrinologist provides diabetes support to the Hispanic community and beyond.
Is a waterbirth safe for mom and baby? 
Is a waterbirth safe for mom and baby?
A certified nurse midwife leads research for waterbirth as an option for pain relief during labor and delivery.
When you need to worry about a bee sting 
When you need to worry about a bee sting
Understanding the difference between a typical reaction and anaphylaxis could save a life.
Are you sitting too much at home?  Featured
Are you sitting too much at home?
This is how you can get five quick minutes of exercise anywhere.
Construye una comunidad LGBTQ+ saludable en su vida profesional y personal 
Construye una comunidad LGBTQ+ saludable en su vida profesional y personal
Los jóvenes gays, bisexuales, transgénero o que se cuestionan su género son una población importante con necesidades de atención de salud únicas.
Providing access to an otherwise limited screening impacting the LGBTQ+ community 
Providing access to an otherwise limited screening impacting the LGBTQ+ community
An estimated 9,440 cases will be diagnosed in the United States this year.
She builds a healthy LGBTQ+ community in her professional and personal life 
She builds a healthy LGBTQ+ community in her professional and personal life
As an OB-GYN, rowing club crew member and alto sax player, one physician advocates through her professional and personal life in the LGBTQ+ community.