Revenge bedtime procrastination: Are you to blame? 
Revenge bedtime procrastination: Are you to blame?
It’s about time to go to bed, but you want to continue binging that show on Netflix, you need to scroll through Instagram one more time, or you need to finish some online shopping. Sound familiar?
Do you miss hugs? 
Do you miss hugs?
This is how to cope if the pandemic has you missing contact with others.
Your blood sugar could be undermining your workouts  Featured
Your blood sugar could be undermining your workouts
Avoid sugar and processed foods while doing these 6 easy exercises.
Are you having trouble sleeping? 
Are you having trouble sleeping?
Maybe this therapy would be right for you.
Does vitamin D help with depression? 
Does vitamin D help with depression?
This is what a new study says.
What is positive psychology? 
What is positive psychology?
It encourages you to shift your perspective a bit.
Are you feeling more down than usual? You’re not alone. 
Are you feeling more down than usual? You’re not alone.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that more people were suffering from anxiety and depression disorders this year than in 2019.