How to prevent vision loss caused by diabetes 
How to prevent vision loss caused by diabetes
Learn the two most common types of vision loss related to diabetes.
Can infants avoid contracting Group B Strep? 
Can infants avoid contracting Group B Strep?
1 in 4 pregnant people test positive.
How to know if you have a thyroid condition 
How to know if you have a thyroid condition
Do you have these signs?
6 ways to protect yourself from the flu 
6 ways to protect yourself from the flu
Here’s how to avoid getting sick from droplets that spread when a person talks, sneezes or coughs.
Esto podría dañarle el cuerpo silenciosamente 
Esto podría dañarle el cuerpo silenciosamente
Puede provocar padecimientos de salud graves si no se trata.
Why diabetes and the flu aren’t a good mix 
Why diabetes and the flu aren’t a good mix
Blood sugar management can be hard enough.
Improving the health of the community one baby at a time 
Improving the health of the community one baby at a time
She is known as a pillar in the community when it comes to delivering babies.