This procedure can restore a normal heartbeat 
This procedure can restore a normal heartbeat
A cardiologist explains how it’s similar to fixing a shorted circuit.
Is it risky to take expired medication? 
Is it risky to take expired medication?
Learn why cleaning out your medicine cabinet should become a monthly chore.
Herbal supplements for weight loss: too good to be true? 
Herbal supplements for weight loss: too good to be true?
Learn why you may want to think twice.
Left atrial appendage occlusion procedure gives woman relief after years of blood thinners 
Left atrial appendage occlusion procedure gives woman relief after years of blood thinners
After experiencing many side effects from blood thinners, patient Sharon Chrobak was looking for an alternative solution. Read her story.
Advocate breast surgeon unfurls ‘bear down’ flag 
Advocate breast surgeon unfurls ‘bear down’ flag
Read why the Bears’ Crucial Catch/Breast Cancer Awareness celebration is so meaningful to patients, families and care teams.
Cómo cerrar la brecha: un defensor bilingüe para la comunidad 
Cómo cerrar la brecha: un defensor bilingüe para la comunidad
“Todos queremos tener la oportunidad de demostrar lo que nos hace únicos”.
Bridging the gap: A bilingual advocate for the community 
Bridging the gap: A bilingual advocate for the community
‘We all want the opportunity to demonstrate what makes us unique.’