One woman’s dog influenced her to get a screening 
One woman’s dog influenced her to get a screening
Are you eligible for one?
This is why a 62-year-old former Marine planked for more than 8 hours  Featured
This is why a 62-year-old former Marine planked for more than 8 hours
Physical health doesn’t have to be the only reason to exercise.
Knowing this skill could save a life 
Knowing this skill could save a life
Learn how one stranger saved another at a baseball game.
Las mujeres latinas corren un mayor riesgo de padecer este cáncer 
Las mujeres latinas corren un mayor riesgo de padecer este cáncer
Las mujeres hispanas y latinas tienen más del doble de probabilidades de recibir este diagnóstico y 30% más de probabilidades de morir por esta enfermedad […]
Emotional bell ringing signals new chapter for prostate cancer survivor 
Emotional bell ringing signals new chapter for prostate cancer survivor
A genetics professor’s triumphant story highlights the importance of knowing your family history.
3 things to know about the new coronavirus 
3 things to know about the new coronavirus
For one thing, the threat of getting the flu is higher.
Looking for the fountain of youth? Try a museum.  Featured
Looking for the fountain of youth? Try a museum.
This is what a recent study says about the arts and your lifespan.