What you should know about vaping  Featured
What you should know about vaping
The CDC is looking into some cases in Wisconsin and Illinois.
How seniors can prepare to get the most out of their doctor’s visit 
How seniors can prepare to get the most out of their doctor’s visit
A geriatrician offers 3 tips on how to prepare for a productive conversation.
Is red meat bad for you or not?  Featured
Is red meat bad for you or not?
Three things to take away from a new study.
Do you have dry skin from all that hand washing?  Featured
Do you have dry skin from all that hand washing?
Here are 3 tips straight from a dermatologist.
This sleep issue could be a warning sign 
This sleep issue could be a warning sign
This common disorder often goes untreated.
Las mujeres de habla hispana no se hacen este examen regular con suficiente frecuencia 
Las mujeres de habla hispana no se hacen este examen regular con suficiente frecuencia
Es un problema porque esta afección se puede tratar mejor cuando se detecta a tiempo.
Spanish-speaking women aren’t getting this regular exam often enough 
Spanish-speaking women aren’t getting this regular exam often enough
It’s a problem, because this condition is more treatable when caught early.