How to deal with peer pressure in mask optional schools 
How to deal with peer pressure in mask optional schools
With some schools ending mask mandates, an expert explains how to talk to your kids about mask wearing.
Are prebiotics and probiotics necessary? 
Are prebiotics and probiotics necessary?
The key to a healthy gut may be more basic than you thought.
The most important part of men’s health 
The most important part of men’s health
One simple decision can make all the difference.
What to do about back pain 
What to do about back pain
These two steps can help.
What to expect after your mammogram 
What to expect after your mammogram
Should you be concerned if your screening mammogram comes back as abnormal or incomplete?
Caring for others and celebrating her heritage 
Caring for others and celebrating her heritage
This phlebotomist works to make patients feel comfortable.
‘I enjoy helping people live and feel well.’ 
‘I enjoy helping people live and feel well.’
As a medical technologist, Rosa Aguila-Lopez enjoys taking care of others and teaching them how they can take care of themselves.