No such thing as ‘healthy obesity’ 
No such thing as ‘healthy obesity’
It’s not uncommon to hear that people are said to be overweight and still healthy. New research questions that.
Does your child need a detox from the Internet? 
Does your child need a detox from the Internet?
Nowadays, most kids and teens are glued to an electronic device. Should parents be concerned?
How pets can help kids with autism 
How pets can help kids with autism
A new study finds that social skills increased for autistic children if they had a furry friend.
Infographic: Surviving winter’s grip  Featured
Infographic: Surviving winter’s grip
Take these steps to stay warm during this chilly season.
Fast food portion sizes aren’t getting smaller 
Fast food portion sizes aren’t getting smaller
Despite public health campaigns, sales of super-sized meals remains strong contributing to the obesity epidemic.
College students not reporting sexual assault incidents 
College students not reporting sexual assault incidents
A recent report finds that rape and sexual assault on college campuses needs more awareness and prevention efforts.
Cutting carbs may help fight colon cancer  Featured
Cutting carbs may help fight colon cancer
A study found that eating fewer carbs may increase your chance of beating colon cancer.