Manage acid reflux with healthy lifestyle changes 
Manage acid reflux with healthy lifestyle changes
That heartburn could be a symptom of something more severe. Learn more.
Cooking classes positively impact kids’ food choices 
Cooking classes positively impact kids’ food choices
Learn how this fun way of teaching children can ultimately benefit their health.
A simple secret to a ripe-old-age 
A simple secret to a ripe-old-age
When it comes to aging well, our expert has one piece of advice for older persons: Stay active.
New one-of-a-kind asthma program launches  Featured
New one-of-a-kind asthma program launches
Asthma is one of the leading causes of school absenteeism. Learn how this new effort is helping.
Quick diagnosis gets cancer patient on road to recovery 
Quick diagnosis gets cancer patient on road to recovery
Read how early detection helped a 64-year-old man get back to his everyday life.
Perceived effect? It may come down to your health 
Perceived effect? It may come down to your health
According to a new study, health is a significantly more important factor than intelligence when selecting leaders.
Analyzing eye movements can predict glaucoma risk 
Analyzing eye movements can predict glaucoma risk
Researchers say that studying how eyes move can lead to early detection of this common condition.