10 simple water safety tips 
10 simple water safety tips
Parental supervision is key to keeping your kids safe this summer.
New guidelines may help prevent repeat strokes  Featured
New guidelines may help prevent repeat strokes
Updated guidelines are focusing on healthy living and making lifestyle changes for prevention.
What women need to know about pap smears 
What women need to know about pap smears
Our expert shares the health benefits of this screening, when you should get them and how they can keep you healthy.
Premature menopause may lead to mental decline 
Premature menopause may lead to mental decline
A new study finds that women with early menopause have greater risk for memory problems later in life.
Stats up for women over 40 having first child 
Stats up for women over 40 having first child
Over the past four decades research has shown an increase in older women giving birth for the first time.
Can exercise make you a sharper thinker? 
Can exercise make you a sharper thinker?
Being physically active can help you look and feel younger, but did you know it can boost brain power too?
Simple stroke test recommended for the 50+ set  Featured
Simple stroke test recommended for the 50+ set
Find out how a painless test can detect a potential stroke and ultimately save your life.