Young dads at risk for postpartum depression 
Young dads at risk for postpartum depression
According to a new study, more fathers are affected by postpartum depression than originally thought.
Is your job keeping you sharp for old age? 
Is your job keeping you sharp for old age?
New research finds that if your job keeps you mentally stimulated you will see advantages in old age.
Can Silly Putty change how stem cells grow? 
Can Silly Putty change how stem cells grow?
One of the ingredients in the classic toy could advance stem cell therapies.
Two sisters with unrelated heart defects  Featured
Two sisters with unrelated heart defects
Read how an Indiana mother experienced two very different pregnancies, but with two similar outcomes.
5 common foot and ankle conditions 
5 common foot and ankle conditions
Find out what some of the most well-known foot and ankle conditions are that you might be suffering from.
Procrastinators can celebrate! Scientists say it’s in your genes 
Procrastinators can celebrate! Scientists say it’s in your genes
New research uncovers there are genetic reasons you put things off.
Mini-monitor keeps tabs on heart 
Mini-monitor keeps tabs on heart
Smaller than a AAA battery, these devices can be painlessly placed under a patient’s skin within minutes.