Prostate cancer test still beneficial 
Prostate cancer test still beneficial
Two years after a task force recommended against it, doctors continue to prescribe PSA screenings. Find out why.
A low tolerance for pain? Blame your genes 
A low tolerance for pain? Blame your genes
Researchers say your ability to endure pain may be genetic. Learn more.
The truth about endometriosis, fertility  Featured
The truth about endometriosis, fertility
Although the condition can impact a woman’s ability to have a baby, experts say it’s not necessarily a deal breaker.
5 reasons to add peaches to your diet 
5 reasons to add peaches to your diet
Our dietitian explains why peaches are more than a tasty snack.
How laughter helps your brain 
How laughter helps your brain
New research suggests that humor can improve short-term memory in older adults.
Teachers’ scare tactics may cause lower exam scores 
Teachers’ scare tactics may cause lower exam scores
A new study says that when teachers motivate through fear to encourage success it may have the reverse effect.
CDC: Foodborne illnesses are up 
CDC: Foodborne illnesses are up
The annual government report reveals that salmonella bacteria infections are down, but warns of others lurking.