Poisonings linked to liquid in e-cigarettes 
Poisonings linked to liquid in e-cigarettes
A new danger from e-cigarettes is being reported by health experts.
Benefits of massage therapy  Featured
Benefits of massage therapy
Find out how massage therapy differs from spa massage and how it helps with injuries and pain.
When uterine fibroids require surgery 
When uterine fibroids require surgery
Although fibroids are quite common for women, when they require medical attention, minimally invasive surgery can be the best option.
When it comes to fruits and vegetables, volume matters 
When it comes to fruits and vegetables, volume matters
A new study finds increasing daily fruit and vegetable consumption linked to lower chance of death from stroke and cancer.
Can a smile a day keep the doctor away? 
Can a smile a day keep the doctor away?
Researchers take a look at how a person’s happiness can truly have an effect on overall health.
Making a difference, one patient at a time 
Making a difference, one patient at a time
In honor of National Volunteer Week, see how one hospital volunteer uses her personal experience to impact cancer patients.
5 things you need to know about Botox for migraines 
5 things you need to know about Botox for migraines
With recent FDA approval, more people are seeking relief from migraine at the end of a needle of Botox.