The skinny on water weight 
The skinny on water weight
Find out how water can skew the scale.
Even popular teens struggle with being bullied 
Even popular teens struggle with being bullied
A new study says that kids who rise to popularity are easy targets for bullying.
Can eating organic lower your risk of cancer? 
Can eating organic lower your risk of cancer?
Find out what experts have to say about pesticide-free foods effect on developing the disease.
How annual visits keep women well 
How annual visits keep women well
New guidelines no longer suggest an annual pap test for every woman, but experts still advise yearly check-ups. Get the details.
Is laughter the best medicine? 
Is laughter the best medicine?
Need more reasons to laugh more? Learn about how laughter can positively impact your health.
Married? That’s good news for your heart 
Married? That’s good news for your heart
Having a partner encouraging you to stay healthy is key to a longer life, research suggests.
Hearing loss effects on mood 
Hearing loss effects on mood
Find out why experts say hearing loss is linked to personality changes in the elderly population.