FDA approves migraine treatment device 
FDA approves migraine treatment device
A breakthrough in migraine treatment that has no side effects? Experts say it’s real and it’s here.
Texting program may help at-risk teen girls 
Texting program may help at-risk teen girls
A new study finds that text messaging could help prevent peer violence and be used as an intervention tool.
3 cholesterol myths  Featured
3 cholesterol myths
Our expert debunks common misconceptions about good and bad cholesterol.
Thinking about becoming a vegetarian? 
Thinking about becoming a vegetarian?
If you have thought about going meatless, our dietitian offers tips to help you make a healthy switch.
What if everybody ran? 
What if everybody ran?
When asking the question “what if everybody ran,” researchers found some surprising answers.
Heart disease effects on unmarried women 
Heart disease effects on unmarried women
Spouses may offer key emotional support to help partners through a stressful cardiac event.
Should handheld devices be banned for kids under 12? 
Should handheld devices be banned for kids under 12?
Read why one therapist thinks so.