6 reasons to try kale  Featured
6 reasons to try kale
Our expert shares why you should consider adding this superfood to your diet.
Violence effects on kids 
Violence effects on kids
Find out how to help children cope when they experience traumatic events.
A sinus surgery pre-op tale 
A sinus surgery pre-op tale
Here’s why I am about to undergo sinus surgery after years of nose issues.
Boost your butt and lift your neck? 
Boost your butt and lift your neck?
A new report finds that butt augmentations and neck lifts are trending. Find out why.
Diabetes effects on stroke risk for men and women 
Diabetes effects on stroke risk for men and women
Researchers find that diabetes may affect stroke risk for women but not men.
C-section babies tend to become heavier adults 
C-section babies tend to become heavier adults
A new analysis of data shows that babies born by cesarean section are more likely to be overweight later in life.
Is smoking hookah as bad as cigarettes? 
Is smoking hookah as bad as cigarettes?
Find out the risks you are taking when passing around the hookah pipe.