Are coupons bad for your waistline? 
Are coupons bad for your waistline?
Experts find that coupons may actually promote unhealthy eating.
Red meat’s effect on your heart  Featured
Red meat’s effect on your heart
Find out how gut bacteria from red meat can lead to heart disease.
How to cut your heart disease risks by half 
How to cut your heart disease risks by half
Find out three risk factors that you can control to keep your heart healthy.
Can soda put you at higher risk for cancer? 
Can soda put you at higher risk for cancer?
Hidden food colorings found in soda products could be hazardous for your health. Get the details.
Poll finds diabetes top health concern for Latinos 
Poll finds diabetes top health concern for Latinos
Diabetes affects a disproportionately large number of Hispanic/Latino Americans. Get the details.
How anger impacts your heart 
How anger impacts your heart
Researchers say it’s time hot heads take heed and recognize the implications of anger on their heart health.
The link between heart disease and diabetes 
The link between heart disease and diabetes
Learn how diabetes can also put you at high risk for heart disease.