Pregnancy after bariatric surgery 
Pregnancy after bariatric surgery
An expert explains if it’s safe.
¿Tiene riesgo de padecer diabetes? 
¿Tiene riesgo de padecer diabetes?
Se anticipa que aproximadamente el 40 % de los adultos en los EE. UU. desarrollarán diabetes tipo 2 en el transcurso de su vida. Sin embargo, se anticipa que a más del 50 % de los hispanos se les diagnosticará esta enfermedad. Averigüe si corre riesgo de padecer esta enfermedad.
Sunscreen mistakes you may be making 
Sunscreen mistakes you may be making
Are you applying, storing and using sunscreen correctly?
Are you using this critical car seat safety feature? 
Are you using this critical car seat safety feature?
It often goes unused yet can protect your child from serious injury.
The times of day you really shouldn’t check your phone 
The times of day you really shouldn’t check your phone
Put it away at these times to ensure healthier relationships and to improve overall wellness.
Could this be a good creative outlet for you? 
Could this be a good creative outlet for you?
Try one of these three projects.
Here’s how a newborn hearing screening is performed 
Here’s how a newborn hearing screening is performed
Learn how this test can rule out conditions that can affect long-term health.