AAP warns of foodborne illness from raw milk 
AAP warns of foodborne illness from raw milk
Doctors say certain groups of people should steer clear of unpasteurized milk. Get the details.
Are you a cell phone addict? 
Are you a cell phone addict?
A recent study finds that staying connected to your cell 24/7 could be taking a toll on your health.
Selfie life-saver 
Selfie life-saver
New smartphone technology offers a simple way to check your cholesterol levels using a self-portrait.
Keep the germs at bay this holiday season 
Keep the germs at bay this holiday season
Three quick tips to help you avoid getting sick while you are out and about during the holiday.
How children with diabetes can have a sweet holiday 
How children with diabetes can have a sweet holiday
Our expert shares tips for parents to ensure their child with diabetes enjoys the holiday season.
Your hand sanitizer: Effective or harmful? 
Your hand sanitizer: Effective or harmful?
Leading experts say some hand sanitizers aren’t more effective than a good ole-fashioned hand wash.
Can your address affect quality of care? 
Can your address affect quality of care?
A new study finds that health care for children is inconsistent and in some cases, unnecessary depending on where they live.