Dangers of hot yoga 
Dangers of hot yoga
Doing yoga in extreme heat isn’t for everybody and a new report suggests it could be hazardous to your health.
How serious is Derrick Rose’s injury? 
How serious is Derrick Rose’s injury?
Sidelined again with a torn meniscus, here’s a closer look at the road to recovery for the Chicago Bulls star.
Teens not getting needed psychiatric care 
Teens not getting needed psychiatric care
Researchers say an alarming number of teens with anxiety disorders are the least likely to be treated for their condition.
Dangers of the cotton ball diet 
Dangers of the cotton ball diet
Think you’ve heard about every crazy diet trend? Think again. Find out why some folks are eating cotton to be thin.
Childhood obesity spurs new guidelines 
Childhood obesity spurs new guidelines
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends new procedures to help doctors manage childhood diabetes linked to weight.
Considering going gluten-free? 
Considering going gluten-free?
Our experts answer your questions about celiac disease and living a gluten-free lifestyle.
Saving lives far from home 
Saving lives far from home
Chris Kellner works in nuclear medicine at one of the Windy City’s top hospitals, but he also spends his time giving back to the remote villages of the Peruvian Amazon.