To eat organic or not? 
To eat organic or not?
Labels on organic food products are loaded with details. Find out what you’re getting when you buy organic.
3 tips for a germ-free home 
3 tips for a germ-free home
Get some helpful hints for keeping bacteria at bay.
How to deal with cyber bullies  Featured
How to deal with cyber bullies
With social media it’s easy to vent your frustrations in an instant. Learn how to avoid online arguments.
Gluten-free diet: Trendy or necessary? 
Gluten-free diet: Trendy or necessary?
A lot of people are jumping on the gluten-free diet bandwagon, but only certain people actually need to. Get the facts.
Can exercise during pregnancy make your baby smarter? 
Can exercise during pregnancy make your baby smarter?
A new study says moms-to-be who regularly exercise may be boosting their babies’ brain development.
Texting helping diabetic patients 
Texting helping diabetic patients
Find out how daily text messages are giving diabetes patients a new lease on life.
Protecting eyes from screen time 
Protecting eyes from screen time
Research shows you can damage your eyes from too much computer usage. Here’s what you should know.