How massage helps babies bond  Featured
How massage helps babies bond
Simple techniques can help soothe infants and deepen connections with caregivers.
Back in the game after ACL injury 
Back in the game after ACL injury
Learn why it can take months to return to play after this serious injury.
9 food shockers 
9 food shockers
Think you know all the rules about picking healthy foods? These facts may surprise you.
How helping others heals your heart 
How helping others heals your heart
Researchers say older adults who spend time volunteering can also lower their blood pressure.
Soda linked to increased risk of kidney disease 
Soda linked to increased risk of kidney disease
New studies show sugary soft drinks may be more damaging to your kidneys than previously thought. Learn why.
Living with celiac disease  Featured
Living with celiac disease
Find out how a gluten-free diet helped one teenage girl cope with the autoimmune disorder.
Are kids too addicted to mobile devices? 
Are kids too addicted to mobile devices?
The American Academy of Pediatrics is asking parents to limit kids’ entertainment screen time.